Yakiniku Million

Columns What We're Eating At

March 24, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Since 1989, Yakiniku Million has served great Korean food to customers. Patrons have the choice of Yakiniku Sets ($46.95) or a la carte meat items, side orders, soups, noodles, mixed rice and Million special plates. The yakiniku meats can be cooked at the table (minimum two orders).

  • (from left) Lesley Hamm, Kristine and Karen Tubay
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Dining Out caught up with Kristine and Karen Tubay, and Lesley Hamm for lunch. They ordered the Yakiniku Set A, which comes with Seasoned Kalbi, Beef Outside Skirts, Beef Brisket, Bul-Go-Ki (Beef) and Shrimp.

Yakiniku Million was the recipient of Honolulu Star-Advertiser‘s Ilima Awards Critics Choice 2011.

Kristine Tubay: “We can cook our own food, and it’s always fresh.”

Karen Tubay: “There’s a lot of side dishes. That makes it more fulfilling.”

Lesley Hamm: “I like the Kalbi.”

Million Restaurant

  • Where
    • 626 Sheridan Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 596-0799
  • Hours
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 11 a.m. – Midnight
    • Friday – Saturday
    • 11 a.m. – 2 a.m.

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