There’s Something About Million

Ali Carte Columns

February 25, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

There are many people who love the thrill of yakiniku dining, in which customers take the reins and grill meats and vegetables to their own perfection. This is especially true of the Korean-style yakiniku offered at Million Restaurant, where loyal patrons have jumped at the chance to fire up the Park family’s recipes for more than 25 years.

  • Fried Yellow Corbina ($17.95)
  • Angela Park with Fried Yellow Corbina.
Image of

But for those who prefer to sit back and relax while the others grill away, the Sheridan Street eatery has an equally enticing a la carte menu to order from with ease.

Once nestled into the hole-in-the-wall’s cozy red booths, ask for Fried Yellow Corbina ($17.95, two fish), a new seafood dish. “In Korea, the yellow corbina you only make on special days,” explains restaurant manager Diana Paik, who imports the fish from Korea. With a well-seasoned flavor that comes from pre-marinating the crispy corbina, you’ll declare every day a special one just to order it.

Another a la carte must-have is Soon Du Bu Chi-ke (Soft Tofu Stew; $10.95). This silky soup features high-quality soft tofu (imported exclusively to Million) that heats up with a new and improved spicy sauce. Customers may choose from spicy or non-spicy broths offered three ways: with kim chee, Spam or a combination of beef, clams and vegetables.

Whether you are ordering a la carte or manning the grill, all of the establishment’s meals are served with an assortment of banchan such as kim chee, cucumber, seaweed, raw crab, potato salad and long rice. That makes for one big table of Korean classics for every kind of diner.

Million Restaurant

  • Where
    • 626 Sheridan Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 596-0799
  • Hours
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 11 a.m. – Midnight
    • Friday – Saturday
    • 11 a.m. – 2 a.m.

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