Boasting for Bananas Foster

Columns Ethnic Faves

November 5, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Much of what adds to the gratifying tastes of the food and dishes at Hy’s Steakhouse in Waikiki is the dim lighting, the antique aesthetics and the tradition of the seemingly lost art of fine dining. Hy’s general manager Bob Panter recently commented on what makes Hy’s a unique niche restaurant.

  • Bananas Foster ($13.25)
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“I think it is the fact that we are one of the few restaurants that do table side service, not only for dessert but caesar salads, spinach salads, carved rack of lamb at the table and also chateaubriand, among others,” says Panter, who has been with Hy’s Steakhouse for 34 years.

One of the most elegant, fanciful and delicious ways to top off any meal here is to try Hy’s specialty flambe, Bananas Foster ($13.25, feeds two people). Skillfully crafted bananas foster is a savory masterpiece of butter, brown sugar, creme de banana liqueur, dark rum, lemon juice and cinnamon along with two healthy scoops of Haagen-Dazs ice cream and bananas. This continental dessert is finished at your table as the dark rum is used to spark and ignite the flame which highlights the elaborate dessert’s taste and presentation.

“It is my favorite, as I am a sweets person, and it goes great with our Graham 20 Year Tawny Port, it is a nice complement,” adds Panter.

Hy’s Steak House

  • Where
    • Inside the Waikiki Park Heights Hotel
    • 2440 Kuhio Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 922-5555
  • Hours
    • 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Monday – Friday
    • 5:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday
  • Notes
    • Reservations are highly recommended.
    • Valet parking available.
    • Proper attire is required (no tank tops, baseball caps or swimwear; collared shirts preferred for men).

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