3660 On the Rise

Columns What We're Eating At

July 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

3660 On The Rise combines an array of local favorites with both European and Asian influences, resulting in a tasty medley of flavors for fine-dining customers.

  • Kenneth and Marie Ke-a celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at 3660 On The Rise.
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The menu includes appetizers Ahi Katsu ($14), Potato Crusted Crab Cake ($12) and Tomato and Truffle Mozzarella Salad ($11). For the main dish, patrons may choose from entrees such as the Grilled Applewood Smoke Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin ($33), Soy Sake Glazed Fillet of Wild Salmon ($25) and Brochette of Char Sui Long Island Duckling ($24.95).

And just like the food, the ambiance at 3660 is a fusion in itself. The venue is elegant yet relaxed, making it the perfect spot to celebrate a special occasion.

Kenneth and Marie Ke-a recently dined at the Kaimuki restaurant to commemorate their 25th wedding anniversary. It was the couple’s first time at 3660 On The Rise, and they were pleased with both the food and the service.

Marie: “We ordered the Certified Angus Beef T-Bone Steak ($35) with mashed potatoes and vegetables, and we had the Shichimi Seared Ahi Salad ($11). We also had the Cold Seafood Plate ($26) that came with sashimi, salmon and half-shell oysters. It was all good and we still have the Kabayaki Fillet of Butterfish ($26) Roast Rack of Macadamia Nut Crusted Lamb ($34) coming. Of course, we are going to come back — we need to sample more.”

Kenneth: “The service is one thing we enjoyed. Our waiter is awesome.”

3660 On the Rise

  • Where
    • 3660 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 737-1177
  • Hours
    • 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Sunday
  • Website

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