Where the Appetizers are Served in Style

Columns Pupu Picks

June 18, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

While waiting for head chef Zach Inouye and his staff to prepare one’s choice of USDA Prime cuts of beef in the custom-made Broiler Room at Hy’s Steak House, customers can choose from the many pupu selections offered up by one of Hawaii’s favorite fine dining destinations.

  • Hy's featured pupus
  • Thai Style Scallops ($14.95)
  • Ahi and Scallops Katsu ($15.95)
  • Oyster Rockefeller ($17.95)
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The Oyster Rockefeller ($17.95) features large, fresh oysters laid atop a bed of spinach and bacon, and covered with a hollandaise sauce before being baked to infuse all the flavors. Hy’s vice president and general manager Bob Panter designates the dish as one of the eatery’s most popular pupus. “It’s got a good reputation,” he says.

Sticking with seafood specialties, the Ahi and Scallops Katsu ($15.95) offers a unique spin on the breaded-and-fried cooking style found prominently in Hawaii. The generous serving is plated atop a bed of watercress, ginger and cucumber, and served with a wasabi aioli.

Panter harkens back to his keiki days when discussing his fondness for scallops, and proudly showcases Hy’s Thai Style Scallops ($14.95). Served atop a bed of vegetable stir-fry, the large, succulent scallop pieces come together to form a work of art — the perfect addition to Hy’s sophisticated dining room setting that includes walls full of old books, dark mahogany paneling, ornately carved wood moldings and heavy brass chandeliers.

As Hy’s popularity among its loyal customers has remained strong for decades, reservations are recommended to ensure a seat.

Hy’s Steak House

  • Where
    • Inside the Waikiki Park Heights Hotel
    • 2440 Kuhio Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 922-5555
  • Hours
    • 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Monday – Friday
    • 5:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday
  • Notes
    • Reservations are highly recommended.
    • Valet parking available.
    • Proper attire is required (no tank tops, baseball caps or swimwear; collared shirts preferred for men).

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