There’s Magic at Max’s

Columns Pupu Picks

June 25, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

As you peruse this tantalizing issue of Dining Out, Max’s of Manila is rolling out a new pupu item that’s sure to please your palate.

  • Three of Max's most delicious appetizers
  • Max's Teaser ($7.95)
  • Chicken Chicharon ($5.95)
  • Tokwa con Lechon ($9.95)
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Max’s — the immensely popular Filipino cuisine eatery with locations along Dillingham Boulevard and in the Waipahu Shopping Plaza — now offers Chicken Chicharon ($5.95) on its menu. The crispy chicken-skin dish is similar to Filipino favorite Pork Chicharon — also known as pork rinds — and comes served with a vinegar garlic dip. Talk about a chicken-skin moment.

The Chicken Chicharon can also be found in one of Max’s new take-out packages that go perfectly with a day at the beach, or family get-together. The KO Package ($15.99) features some of the restaurant’s favorite finger foods and includes 16 pieces of chicken (legs and thighs), Lumpiang Shanghai and the Chicken Chicharon. The Quick Picnic Package ($26.99) includes Max’s Whole Chicken, Lumpiang Shanghai and a choice of Pancit all bundled in one of Max’s Eco Bags.

Also, Max’s Teasers ($7.95) offers a pupu sampler for diners with hearty servings of Lumpiang Shanghai and Calamares — both the rings and tentacles — along with zesty dipping sauces. The Tokwa con Lechon ($9.95) is a stir-fry dish composed of fried pork belly, tofu cubes, onions and bell peppers tossed in a soy vinaigrette sauce.

Max’s of Manila

  • Where
    • 801 Dillingham Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
    • 94-300 Farrington Highway Suite F-1
    • Waipahu, HI 96797
  • Call
    • (808) 951-6297
  • Hours
    • Dillingham
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Waipahu
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Monday – Thursday
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Fridays and Saturdays
    • 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sundays
  • Notes
    • Check out Max’s Chicken Chicharon ($5.95), a brand new menu item that launches today!

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