Sold on Mouthwatering Sashimi

Columns Ethnic Faves

June 25, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Sashimi masterpieces are about precision and design. They are intricate slices of raw fish delicately displayed and pleasing to the appetite.

  • Sashimi A platter ($35) served with horseradish root.
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At Sushi Ichiban on Waialae Avenue, chef Marc Kusaka has introduced its Sashimi A platter, which highlights not only the presentation of the sushi cuisine, but also the high quality of the fish itself.

“Most recently I came from Morimoto Waikiki. They (Sushi Ichiban) gave me a great opportunity here to run the sushi counter, order the fish and help with the menu,” says Kusaka. “I’ve been around a lot of high quality restaurants, so I’ve been trying to bring that quality here, trying to get everyone in our community more familiar with higher quality fish.”

Priced at $35, the Sashimi A platter offers about eight to nine varieties of finely cut fish, including aji, kampachi, salmon, tako, hamachi, maguro, toro, tako and more. A hidden formula that adds to the quality of the sashimi and sushi at Sushi Ichiban is its use of fresh wasabi root, imported directly from Japan.

“We serve real wasabi. It comes as a root and we grate it with a shark skin grater before serving. It is milder, doesn’t over-consume the fish, helps complement the flavors,” adds Kusaka.

The vibrance of the sashimi and sushi also is heightened through conversation regarding the meal, something Kusaka seems to enjoy.

“My job brings happiness, interacting with people and seeing their reactions to the fish. I like to serve what I like to eat.”

Sushi Ichiban

  • Where
    • 3579 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 737-8820
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

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