Lamb’s the Word at Kit’s

Features Inside Feature

June 9, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s no wonder why people flock to Kit n Kitchen for their breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night cravings. With an expansive menu of Euro-Asian cuisine, there’s always something good to suit your taste at Kit n Kitchen.

Yes, we did say late night. Kit n Kitchen is open until midnight Monday to Saturday. “We serve the full menu until midnight,” says owner Kit Yiu. “There are a lot of employees who work in Waikiki, and after their shift they can swing by Kit n Kitchen for something to eat.” Yiu also noted that Kit n Kitchen is new to the late-night market, but he noticed that there are a lot of customers who come in for appetizers and drinks. “Right around 8 or 9:30 at night, we have customers who come in and order pupus and wine. It’s a good hangout place for customers in the area.

“We wanted to focus on lamb, and we get our lamb from New Zealand,” Yiu says of the spread. “In Hawaii there aren’t too many restaurants that do lamb.” Preparing lamb is tedious and time-consuming, but Kit n Kitchen has it down to an art and prepared three delectable dishes for Dining Out.

Pepper Lamb ($16.95 two pieces, $20.95 three pieces, $24.94 four pieces) is prepared with herbs and a black pepper sauce and served with mixed veggies. The establishment put a whole new spin on the creamy Italian rice dish with its Rosa Lamb Risotto ($14.95) that’s served with a savory risotto sauce, vegetables and rosemary.

Kit n Kitchen’s Lamb Wellington ($18.95) comes wrapped in flaky pastry and served alongside perfectly cooked red tomatoes and rosemary. “This is my son’s favorite,” Yiu says with a smile. “He can eat six of those.”

But there’s more on the menu than just lamb, such as Red Wine Ox Tail Stew ($13.95). “We’ve been serving this dish since we opened 11 years ago,” Yiu adds. “It’s popular and people always come back for it. We mixed French cuisine with a touch of Asian influence.”

Sizzling Seafood Paella ($14.95) has Spanish influence, and the taste of saffron shines through the dish. This seafood rice dish is cooked over an open fire with garlic butter, which gives it that smoky flavor.

Other customer favorites include the late-night Kung Fu Soup Noodle with Shrimp Wanton ($8.95). Patrons can choose their soup, type of noodle and two toppings. And for the morning dishes, Steak and Eggs ($11.95) is at the top of the list and is served with chimichurri sauce and roasted potatoes.

To begin your meal, Yiu recommends starting with Creamy Mushroom or Creamy Corn soups ($8.95). They are served in fresh-baked French bread bowls and come with a garden salad.

Kit n Kitchen also serves up a tasty Eggs Benedict ($8.95) that Yiu admits is one of his personal favorites. It comes with a buttered English muffin, poached eggs, a thick ham steak, a hook of hollandaise and your choice of rice or potatoes.

Kit n Kitchen also has the option for customers to substitute their starch for a garden salad or mixed vegetables — at no extra cost!

Head down to Kit n Kitchen for good food in a great atmosphere in the heart of Honolulu.

Kit n Kitchen

  • Where
    • 1010 University Ave., B3
  • Call
    • (808) 942-7622
  • Hours
    • Monday – Friday
    • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday
    • 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – Midnight (Dinner Daily)
  • Website

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