Hinone Happiness

Chew On This Digest

April 14, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Determining whether or not a certain food is “delicious” is subjective based on differing taste buds and opinions. However, here at Hinone Mizunone on South King Street, there’s a mutual understanding by loyal diners that Hinone’s cuisine is some of the best. This family-friendly establishment is owned by Japanese restaurant giant Fujio Food Systems, and opened its first U.S. location here in the islands in 1998. Specializing in traditional Japanese entrees, the restaurant features a little bit of everything, from Teishoku sets to bentos, udon, miso butterfish, and Honone’s ever-popular rice, cooked in an old-fashioned pot.

“Our Saba Mitsuke ($8.50), Chicken Katsu Curry ($9.50) and Karaage Curry ($8.50) are standout dishes,” says operations manager Eiki Tamaki.

Hinone’s curries are prepared in the Japanese style, and are beef-based and mixed with pieces of potatoes, carrots and your choice of meat, be it chicken katsu or karaage (Japanese-style fried chicken).

Not much of a meat eater? Then sink your teeth into the succulent Saba Mitsuke, which features a sweet, shoyu-based simmered mackerel. As a teishoku set, Saba Mituske is served with rice, miso soup, two side dishes and pickles.

“What’s special about our saba is that it’s cooked in a shoyu mirin sauce, which really brings about a sweet sake taste. A lot of people like it,” Tamaki states.

Hinone Mizunone lives by its philosophy to consistently serve premier food and provide exeptional customer service on a daily basis.

Hinone Mizunone

  • Where
    • 1345 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 942-4848
  • Hours
    • Open Daily
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.

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