Fukuya’s Fabulous Fare

Chew On This Digest

April 21, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Mention the name Fukuya Deli and Catering, and don’t be surprised if you find old-timers and loyal patrons singing praises for this renowned okazuya (Japanese delicatessen) on South King Street.

Miso Butterfish (price varies)

According to Arrison Iwahira, Fukuya president and great-grandson of the original founders Jihei and Tsuya Takayama, the majority of all recipes here have been in the family for generations.

With an array of items available to meet your every craving, standouts include Miso Butterfish (price varies) and Nori Chicken ($2.20 per piece).

“Both of these are top-sellers for us,” Iwahira says. “Customers come in as early as 6 a.m. to purchase them.”

Miso Butterfish features broiled butterfish marinated in a savory miso sauce, and Fukuya’s Nori Chicken is a taste to behold as well, as this Japanese-style marinated chicken is topped with nori and then deep-fried to absolute perfection.

Here at Fukuya, mostly everything is served a la carte, so you can personalize your meal to your liking. And with graduation season just around the corner, Fukuya prides itself in its catering services, so it’s no wonder the restaurant remains a go-to choice for any special occasion.

Fukuya Deli and Catering

  • Where
    • 2710 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-2073
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Sunday
  • Website

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