Zippy’s Reaches Out to a Sustainable Community

Features Inside Feature

March 10, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

For more than 45 years, Zippy’s has been Hawaii’s restaurant of choice. Since its start in 1966, it has been working hard to provide not only good food for all those who walk through its doors, but also excellent customer satisfaction.

In an effort to promote sustainability in Hawaii and become a responsible business that takes steps to “go green,” Zippy’s has a great promotion where customers can enter to win a home solar system valued at $15,000 or one of three bicycles valued up to $700. Receive an entry form with any purchase including the delicious Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken ($7.25 takeout, $8.35 restaurant). The promotion runs until March 31. (Note: prices in Kahului, Maui are slightly higher.)

  • Server John Abejero presents Zippy's tasty entrees.
  • Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken ($7.25 takeout, $8.35 restaurant)
  • Tempura Cod Plate ($11.95 restaurant only)
  • Hamburger Steak ($7.95 takeout, $9.15 restaurant)
  • Calamari & Shrimp Salad ($10.95 restaurant only)
  • Spaghetti alla Verdura ($6.95 takeout, $7.95 restaurant)
  • Spaghetti alla Verdura ($6.95 takeout, $7.95 restaurant)
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According to Zippy’s marketing manager Jeanine Mamiya-Kalahiki, this initiative will help support and take care of the community, as well as the environment.

Zippy’s also uses earth-friendly materials for packaging. Last year, the eatery also made some changes to the takeout containers. Now, takeout containers are made from Type 5 recyclable and microwaveable plastic, so you can reuse it over and over again.

Locally grown beef is becoming a desired trait in restaurant dishes, and Zippy’s has a great Hamburger Steak plate ($7.95 takeout, $9.15 restaurant) that will leave you satisfied and happy. As one of the Zippy’s favorites, Hamburger Steak is made with local beef, and served with grilled onions and gravy on the side.

This local establishment does all it can to cater to those in the community. Lent is upon us, and Zippy’s has Lent-friendly menu options on Fridays. Spaghetti alla Verdura ($6.95 takeout, $7.95 restaurant) is made with a vegetarian “meat” sauce that includes quinoa, okara and lentils. There is also Tempura Cod Plate ($11.95 restaurant only) served with white or brown rice, mashed potatoes or french fries. Lent specials are available from 10:30 a.m. while supplies last and run until Good Friday, April 6.

“It’s just something different to add to our menu,” says Mamiya-Kalahiki. “We felt that they were healthier options, and it adds variety.”

If you’re craving a healthy meal, Zippy’s also has a fresh Calamari & Shrimp Salad ($10.95 restaurant only) made with Nalo greens, saimin noodles, carrots, cucumber, Chinese parsley and tomato wedges, and is served with a Thai dressing. This bed of salad is topped with fried, crisp calamari and breaded shrimp and is available for a limited time only.

March is National Red Cross Month and Zippy’s is supporting the American Red Cross Hawaii chapter. When you purchase a Kokua Pac ($8.08 takeout, $9.30 restaurant), 25 cents will go to the American Red Cross Hawaii chapter. The Kokua Pac is made special for this promotion and includes favorites such as Korean Fried Chicken, Portuguese sausage, hot dog and Spam. Customers have until April 30 to purchase a Kokua Pac and help support the American Red Cross Hawaii chapter.

Zippy’s mission is to be an establishment that is committed to creating your favorite meals served with genuine care in a safe, healthful and friendly atmosphere that its customers can enjoy.

From its starting location on King Street, Zippy’s has grown to 24 locations on the island of Oahu and one in Kahului, Maui.

Zippy’s Restaurants

  • Where
    • 1725 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
    • (various other locations)
  • Call
    • (808) 973-0877 (South King)
  • Hours
    • Open 24 hours, seven days a week
  • Website

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