Spring Into Seafood

Columns Ethnic Faves

March 24, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Black Bean Sauce with Clams, Salt and Pepper Squid, Garlic Steamed Shrimp — yup, it’s safe to say Golden Palace has seafood down pat.

Complete with mostly authentic Chinese dishes, Golden Palace manager Gary Lam gets a kick out of carrying on the family tradition set before him by his father and Golden Palace owner Howard Lam, and as a huge seafood lover, he enjoys sharing his favorite dishes with patrons.

  • Salt and Pepper Squid ($7.50)
  • Black Bean Sauce with Clams ($9.50)
  • Howard and Gary Lam
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Black Bean Sauce with Clams ($9.50) is made with basic ingredients that come together to form a tasty dish that combines steamed clams with Golden Palace’s black bean sauce, diced chili peppers and a touch of minced garlic.

“This dish is popular with our lunch and dinner crowd. We end up making it throughout the whole day,” says Lam.

Another seafood option that hits the spot regardless of the time of day is Salt and Pepper Squid, priced at $7.50. This dish brings together diced bell peppers, chili peppers and squid, which has been lightly battered and dipped in a salt and pepper mix, prepared daily by the chef.

Rounding out the seafood collection is Garlic Steamed Shrimp ($9.95).

“This is another traditonal Chinese dish. It really is a treat, because the shrimp is actually steamed over noodles, so the noodles absorb all the flavor and juice from the shrimp. That is the winner right there. Love that one,” says Lam.

As parking often times can be tricky to find downtown, Golden Palace offers free parking for its dinner guests.

Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant

  • Where
    • 111 North King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 521-8268
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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