A Taste of Honey at Lung Fung

Columns Ethnic Faves

March 31, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Lung Fung manager Eddie Ma likes to separate his restaurant from the typical and traditional chop suey-style restaurants. Although decorated in traditional Chinese decor, Lung Fung is always recreating its menu to become a more progressive and, more importantly, healthier eatery for Chinese cuisine lovers.

  • Honey Glazed Walnut Shrimp ($6.99)
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“We are constantly updating the cooking style to match how they are cooking in China today. We are more than a chop suey house. That style was popular 20 years ago,” says Ma.

Located outside of the hubbub of Honolulu in Niu Valley Shopping Center, Lung Fung has a loyal, residential fan base, and seeing each returning guest motivates Ma to continue to match and improve each dish that passes through the kitchen.

“Seeing the same customers gives me more energy to continue to do better.

Because they are so loyal, it makes me feel I have to continue to do better for them,” says Ma, who has been managing the restaurant for more than a decade.

For his new and returning guests, Ma has just launched a promotion, which includes an order of Honey Glazed Walnut Shrimp ($6.99) when you order an entree at regular price. A perfect starter dish, Honey Glazed Walnut Shrimp features hearty selections of shrimp coated in dry flour and quickly fried. The fried shrimp are then served over toasted honey glazed walnuts.

Lung Fung also knows how to cook with garlic, as its Crispy Garlic Shrimp is very popular, as well as Spicy Won Ton with Garlic.

Lung Fung Chinese Restaurant

  • Where
    • 5724 Kalanianaole Highway
    • Honolulu, HI 96821
  • Call
    • (808) 377-5555
    • (808) 377-5566
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Website

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