Lovin’ Larry’s Bakery

Chew On This Digest

February 4, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

The simple moments in life are sometimes the sweetest, and that definitely holds true when devouring some of Larry’s Bakery’s sugary delights. This one-stop bakery on Lawehana Street has everything you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. Brother-and-sister team of Lance and Iris Yafuso oversee this family-run business and work day in and day out to whip up favorites such as doughnuts, cookies, brownies, cakes and more.

  • Apple and Coconut Sticks ($1.40 each)
  • Chocolate Fudge Cake ($12.50)
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“We’ve been really busy, but we can’t complain,” Iris says with a smile. “Right now we’re ready for the Super Bowl. Our baked goods even pay tribute to the different teams!”

Yet, she took time out of her hectic schedule to share with Dining Out a few of Larry’s classics that seem to fly off the shelves on a daily basis: Chocolate Fudge Cake ($12.50), Apple Stick ($1.40) and Coconut Stick ($1.40).

Chocolate Fudge Cake is simply divine and features an original chocolate cake smothered with an old-fashioned fudge frosting. Chocolate lovers rejoice!

“This cake is actually derived from my dad’s recipe,” Iris recalls. “It’s a non-refrigerated cake and it has a little crust over the edge — it’s just really delicious! The cake also is available in different sizes. Just call beforehand to place an order.”

On the go? Apple and Coconut Sticks are the answer when time is of the essence, but you still need that quick sugar rush.

“Apple and Coconut sticks are very popular. They’re similar to a turnover and always baked fresh,” Iris says. “Both sticks have a puff-pastry exterior, and one is filled with a sweet Fuji apple filling and has a hint of cinnamon, while the other is filled with coconut and sprinkled with sugar,” she adds.

This Salt Lake bakery is overflowing with sweet nothings, always amazing its patrons — old and new — with its top-of-the-line customer service and dedication to excellence.

Larry’s Bakery

  • Where
    • 4369 Lawehana Street #3
    • Honolulu, HI 96818
  • Call
    • (808) 422-0059
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    • Monday – Friday
    • 6 a.m. – noon
    • Saturday (holiday hours)

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