Rolling Out Favorites at Fukuya

Ali Carte Columns

February 11, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

If you make a stop at Fukuya Deli and Catering, the okazuya (Japanese delicatessen) on King Street, you’ll find old-timers whose families have known and loved the little shop since it opened down the street from its current location in 1939.

Laughter and familiarity permeate the walls as regulars talk story while lining up for hand-selected meals filled with samplings of potato hash, sushi, chow fun noodles, nishime and more.

  • Sushi Tray ($48, 70 pieces)
  • Nori Chicken ($2.10 per piece)
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“Those are all original recipes from way back when,” says owner Arrison Iwahiro.

The restaurant also specializes in catering for anything from large events to home parties. Items such as Sushi Tray ($30, 43 pieces; $48, 70 pieces; $60, 70 pieces), with a variety of maki, cone sushi, cucumber, takuan, tamago and oshizushi are beautifully presented for large groups as well.

The families that have made Fukuya a staple in their lives also love a taste of its specialty teri beef ($4.75), chicken ($4.75) and hot dog ($4.50) rolls, made with plain rice as opposed to sushi-style rice.

“They’re great for picnics, kid’s sporting events or after surfing. And they’re easy to eat, kind of like a meal in a roll,” Iwahiro says with a laugh. Teri Beef Roll, for example, is like eating a plate lunch rolled up with Spam, beef, rice and furikake.

The owner also puts his personal touch on the legendary delicatessen’s menu with his take on Nori Chicken ($2.10 per piece). Japanese-style marinated chicken is topped with small sheets of nori, then deep-fried to sumptuous perfection.

Just as generation after generation has done, take a queue from the old-timers and make Fukuya Deli and Catering your favorite okazuya.

Fukuya Deli and Catering

  • Where
    • 2710 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-2073
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Sunday
  • Website

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