Gathering the Family at Maple Garden

Ali Carte Columns

February 18, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Chinese food lovers know they can find the best in Szechuan-style cuisine at Maple Garden’s famed all-you-can-eat buffet ($11.95 adults, $7.50 children ages 5-12, lunch; $15.95 adults, $9 children, dinner). Classics such as Hot and Sour Soup, Beef Broccoli and Steamed Fish keep diners lining up again and again. But if you want to gather around for some family-style dishes, the Isenberg Street restaurant also delivers on appetizing a la carte items not found in the buffet.

  • Kun Pao Scallop ($13.50)
  • Dry Fried Beef (Hot; $10.50)
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With a spacious interior full of comfortable seating for all party sizes, the establishment’s host of large, round tables are perfect for sharing a feast of entrees with the whole family. Each a la carte item contains three to four servings, so you can load up the tables’ revolving trays and swivel away to your belly’s content.

While sampling Chinese delights, be sure to order the ever-popular Dry Fried Beef (Hot; $10.50). “It has beef deep-fried with a tangy, spicy, sweet sauce over it,” explains co-owner Janet Lam.

Patrons also may take a bite or two of Kun Pao Scallop ($13.50) featuring water chestnuts, dried chili, peanuts, green onion and tomato garnish. Or try something the siblings will be fighting over such as Honey Walnut Shrimp ($13.50) with sweet walnuts and deep-fried shrimp covered in a mayonnaise cream sauce.

During the rest of February all diners will receive 10 percent off their meal for buffet (up to 20 people) and a la carte purchases. It sounds like the perfect time for a family reunion at Maple Garden.

Maple Garden Restaurant

  • Where
    • 909 Isenberg Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 941-6641
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Website

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