Kobe’s Steak and Shrimp Shake-up

Columns Ethnic Faves

January 21, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

As consumers of books, movies, cars, etc., there is a trend to go for the best-selling items around, the ones that have proven to be top quality as decided by the public, reviewers and critics. Well, if you take that same philosophy and apply it to what you may choose for dinner at Kobe Steakhouse, then you should certainly gravitate toward the Steak and Shrimp combination served ($34.95).

  • Steak and Shrimp Combo ($34.95) and Fried Rice ($4)
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The dish is centered around a salt-and-pepper 5-ounce steak, which pairs well with Kobe’s special mustard sauce that accentuates the beefy flavor. Your seven pieces of shrimp have been marinated in butter and lemon before being grilled, and their flavor heightened by Kobe’s ginger sauce. Also served are sprouts, and teppanyaki vegetables, which include zucchini, mushrooms and onions. A great complement to the Steak and Shrimp combination is a side of Fried Rice ($4).

If shrimp is not your top pick, then Kobe owner Roy Nakamura highly suggests Scallops, also priced at $34.95. When asked if changes would ever be made to this Kobe signature dish, Nakamura replies, “I would-n’t mess with perfection.”

So, if it’s ethnic cuisine you’re searching for, Kobe Steakhouse has all your surf and turf favorites to fill your appetite.

Kobe Steakhouse & Sushi Bar

  • Where
    • 1841 Ala Moana Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 941-4444
  • Hours
    • 5:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Open daily for dinner only
    • Lounge opens at 5 p.m.
  • Website
  • Notes
    • Valet parking available in front of the restaurant.

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