Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant

Columns What We're Eating At

January 21, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Tucked away in the middle of Chinatown in downtown Honolulu lies a Chinese restaurant with food so good it attracts regular visitors from the Mainland — Nevada, to be exact. Dining Out caught up with Helen and William Chan and their daughter Marilyn Lew, who live in Nevada and come to Hawaii once a year to celebrate Chinese New Year. And their first stop is always Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant.

  • (from left) Marilyn Lew, William and Helen Chan
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According to Helen, she and her husband are retired and travel the world. “But nothing compares to here (Hawaii),” she says.

All dim sum is $1.98, and with a price like that it’s no wonder Golden Palace is always busy. And the prices aren’t the only thing that keeps customers coming back again and again. Golden Palace’s Gary Lam makes a good impression on customers, as do the rest of the staff. “He’s a nice person, and he attracts nice customers,” Helen adds with a smile.

Helen Chan: “We always get Oyster Sauce Chicken ($6.95), and they have the best dim sum in the whole world.”

William Chan: “I like all the dim sum. We can’t get dim sum like this in San Francisco, Hong Kong or Nevada.”

Marilyn Lew: “My favorite dim sum is the Har Gau, Steamed Shrimp Dumpling ($1.98). I like the texture and shrimp. I’ve loved shrimp since I was a child.”

Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant

  • Where
    • 111 North King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 521-8268
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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