Maple Garden

Columns What We're Eating At

December 3, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Maple Garden has long been known as a place to find the best in Szechuan-style Chinese cuisine. Open since 1975, the restaurant comfortably seats 80 guests, in addition to a pair of banquet rooms that accommodate another 100 people.

  • (Standing, from left) Mike Kong, Betty Wasa, Betty Parker, Ellen Kong, Thomas Duvauchelle, Winona Matsuzaki, Helen Castillon, Arthur Kauhini, Misayo Nihei, (seated, from left) Cecilia Lindo, Victor Tangonan, Lily Chan and Marion Yuen.
Image of

A spacious interior, in combination with its mouthwatering Lunch ($11.95 adults, $7.50 children ages 5-12) and Dinner ($15.95 adults, $9 children) Buffets, as well as its family-style menu make Maple Garden the perfect place for any social gathering.

Menu favorites include Mongolian Beef ($9.95) and Chicken Five Spice ($9.95), while Beef Broccoli and Hot and Sour Soup are popular buffet options.

Ellen Kong and her ukulele class recently enjoyed the lunch buffet during their annual Christmas party. The classes take place at Lanakila Multipurpose Senior Center, an establishment frequented by 2,000 seniors in the area. The banquet room at Maple Garden was the perfect spot to accommodate a large gathering of members.

Ellen Kong: “This is a great place to host our Christmas Party and we love the food here.”

Maple Garden Restaurant

  • Where
    • 909 Isenberg Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 941-6641
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
  • Website

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