Longing for Lechon

Columns Ethnic Faves

October 22, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

With football season in full gear, great appetizers and a cold beer or beverage make for a perfect afternoon.

  • Lechon Kawali ($10.99)
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Ige’s Restaurant and 19th Puka is a spacious restaurant with ample room and televisions for you, your family and friends to enjoy. Aside from its popular and hearty servings of nachos and also the teriyaki beef flap meat dish, which consists of lean and tender pieces of beef soaked in an original sauce, Ige’s also has introduced its take on the popular Filipino Lechon Kawali.

“After dabbling with a few ideas, our owner Ron came up with this dish and it has really taken off, becoming one of our most popular dishes,” says kitchen manager Ric Kodama.

Lechon Kawali ($10.99) is pieces of pork belly fried in a kawali, or traditional Filipino-style wok. The crispy pork is then combined with an assortment of tomato and red, green and white onions. Everything is then mixed with Ige’s specially made shoyu and vinegar sauce.

“I love this dish. You have to eat the pork with the onions and tomato, the citrus adds to the overall flavor,” adds Kodama. “We show a lot of football games and sporting events here, and this dish definitely goes great with beer.”

Ige’s Restaurant & 19th Puka

  • Where
    • 98-761 Oihana Place
    • Aiea, HI 96701
  • Call
    • (808) 486-3500
  • Hours
    • Lounge opens at 3 p.m.
    • Monday – Saturday
    • 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Closed Sundays for private parties.
  • Website

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