Fukuya Delicatessen & Catering

Columns What We're Eating At

October 22, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

If you encounter people getting excited to see the color purple early in the morning, then you know that they are referring to the famous purple shiso musubi (cooked rice rolled in shiso red powder) at Fukuya Delicatessen & Catering, a Japenese deli located at 2710 S. King St.

  • Kitty and Elisabeth Kamaka.
Image of

Fukuya is an okuzaya, which is a casual store-front restaurant serving carry-out Japanese specialities such as tempura, musubi, gobo, inari and much more. Prices for deli selections range from 55 cents to $3. Even if you don’t like Japanese food, your taste buds will thank you for local-style favorites such as teri meatballs, hot dogs, tofu fish burgers and mochiko chicken.

Open from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, the eatery is certainly a must-eat spot for picky eaters because you get to choose exactly what you want to eat. For those who can’t decide from the large selection, Fukuya also offers four different pre-set bentos ($6.90$8.25).

Kitty Kamaka and her children Elisabeth and Freddy decided to grab some food at Fukuya and told Dining Out what kind of bento they have individually chosen.

Kitty Kamaka: “I ordered a bento composed of Nori with Ume Musubi ($1.15), Shoyu Chicken ($1.60), Nishime ($1.70) and Chow Fun ($1.50). I like this place a lot because it’s a very clean deli and it’s famous for its okazuya.”

Elisabeth Kamaka: “I ordered a bento composed of Shrimp Tempura ($1.45), Shoyu Chicken ($1.60), Nori ($2.10), Chow Fun and Noodles ($1.50). It’s my first time to come to Fukuya, and my mom recommended this place. I can’t wait to try all these yummy sides.”

Fukuya Deli and Catering

  • Where
    • 2710 South King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 946-2073
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Sunday
  • Website

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