One in a Million Flavors

Digest Eat This

September 4, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s safe to say that there’s more than 1 million reasons to love Million Restaurant on Sheridan Street. Whether it’s the highest quality kal-bi, barbecue chicken, or the flavorful banchan you’re after, this authentic Korean establishment has it all.

  • Spicy Buckwheat Noodle and Kal-bi ($21)
  • Mountain Goat with Sesame Leaf Soup ($16)
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This family business, owned and operated by Chang Hyun Park and Angela Park, opened its doors in 1989 and has remained a favorite of both locals and tourists alike. Patrons can take the reins as chef by taking advantage of the yakiniku tables, or you can sit back, relax and let the pros in the kitchen whip up a remarkable meal.

“Right now we’re offering combo meals as part of our summer special,” says manager Cindy Park. “They (combo meals) are available from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, and they’ve been doing really well very popular among our customers.”

With a variety of combo meals to choose from, including Cold Buckwheat Noodle and Kal-bi ($21), Spicy Buckwheat Noodle and Kal-bi ($21), Cucumber Buckwheat Noodle and Kal-bi ($21) and Mountain Goat with Sesame Leaf Soup (regular $16, large $39), you’ll be amazed by the freshness and tantalizing taste of each and every one of these dishes.

“The Spicy Buckwheat Noodle and Kalbi is a favorite,” Cindy says. “The Kal-bi comes to your table on a sizzling platter and each piece is very tender.

“The Mountain Goat with Sesame Leaf Soup also is a unique item here,” she adds. “We use our own special broth, along with mountain goat meat, green onion, sesame leaf and a bit of spices. This soup is great for your health, especially for women.”

The eatery also serves up a delicious seaweed soup that comes with many of its featured entrees.

Million Restaurant

  • Where
    • 626 Sheridan St.
  • Call
    • (808) 596.0799
  • Hours
    • Open daily 11 a.m. – midnight

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