Shabu Shabu House Sizzles

Columns Ethnic Faves

September 17, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Shabu Shabu House offers healthy Japanese cooking in the most traditional manner. The restaurant combines the frothy hot pot-style of cooking with fine, quality Kobe beef for a meal that isn’t short of spectacular and reasonably priced. For $34.95, Shabu Shabu House’s Kobe Set A meal combines tender, choice slices of Kobe-style washugyu beef with succulent prawn shrimp.

  • Kobe Set A ($34.95)
  • Kobe Set A ($34.95)
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“Kobe beef is a very nice meat, I eat it all the time. It is so rich it just melts in your mouth,” says manager Nobuo Kishimoto.

Along with the Kobe-style beef and shrimp, the Kobe Set A is accompanie dby hearty side portions of vegetables, including choy sum, udon noodles and Chinese cabbage — as well as house-made gyoza and white or brown rice. Shabu Shabu House also features its three sauces, whisked in-house for its patrons healthy enjoyment.

“We have a sesame, a ginger and a ponzu sauce. The ponzu sauce is very traditional in Japan which brings out the citrus and soy — it is very popular,” Kishimoto adds.

“Our sauces are house made from fresh ingredients, there are no outside preservatives or chemicals, these are all-natural.”

For customers who may just be interested in the Kobe-style beef itself, Shabu Shabu House serves sides of Kobe-style beef for $18.95 for both lunch and dinner.

“A lot of people order the Kobe beef because of its name and reputation, and they know how good it tastes,” says owner Toshimitsu Matsuzaki.

Also currently on special are live clams serving for $6.95 per plate.

Shabu Shabu House

  • Where
    • 1221 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 597-1655
  • Hours
    • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Monday – Saturday (Lunch)
    • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Monday – Sunday (Dinner)

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