The Soup’s Always on at Sikdorak Restaurant

Digest Foodie Fare

August 20, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

During the steamy summer months, diners request one thing — simple, flavorful dishes that are neither too heavy nor too light, something that will fill you up but not weigh you down.

  • All-you-can-eat buffet ($19.95)
  • Cook Chope Lorenzo is part of the team that serves up delicious "Seoul" food at Sikdorak Korean Restaurant.
  • Pork Sausage Soup ($5.95)
  • Hangover Soup ($5.95)
  • Soft Tofu Soup ($7.95)
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Soup, believe it or not, is the perfect remedy. Toss any combination of ingredients into a pot, add a bit of liquid and spices to taste, boil till tender and voila!, your meal is ready in less time than it takes to say “soup’s on!”

Sikdorak Korean Restaurant may have made its name with yakiniku, but the Keeaumoku Street eatery also has an assortment of soups that are ideal for this time of year.

“Soup is very popular with Korean people,” says restaurant co-owner Andy Chang. As proof of this statement, he immediately mentions the traditional Seolleongtang ($3.95), a Korean broth soup similar to the local stand-by, oxtail soup.

“It tastes very good,” the chef says with a smile. Another soup Chang highly recommends sinking your spoon into is the Soft Tofu Soup ($7.95). Made with an anchovy base and loaded with chunks of soft tofu and seafood, if you could blend summer into a soup, this would be it.

“Lot of seafood goes into the Soft Tofu Soup,” Chang says. “There’s shrimp, and then squid, and then crab — there’s a lot of things in there!”

Those seeking heartier fare should try the Pork Sausage Soup ($5.95), a slightly spicy soup of seaweed, onions and pork sausage that will have you reminiscing of your best backyard barbecue bash.

And if you’ve had one too many drinks at a late-night paina, no worries; Sikdorak has a soup for that! Filled with bean sprouts, green onions and tons of succulent meat, the Hangover Soup ($5.95) is a surefire cure for whatever may ail you.

“Korean people, after a lot of drinking, they always eat the Hangover Soup,” notes Chang.

The Pork Sausage Soup and Hangover Soup are available between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m., while the Soft Tofu Soup can be ordered at all hours, seven days a week.

On the Side

Come Oct. 22, Sikdorak Korean Restaurant will be celebrating one year of business, and so far, so good, to hear co-owner Andy Chang tell it.

“We’ve been doing pretty well; business has been going up,” says Chang, who started Sikdorak with partner Patrick Choi last year.

Located in the Samsung Plaza on busy Keeaumoku Street — commonly called “Koreamoku” for the abundance of Korean eateries found around this bustling downtown neighborhood –— Sikdorak is a haven for those craving a bit of Korean yakiniku cuisine.

Best of all, it is open 24 hours, seven days a week, perfect for those late-night dinner crawls.

“We have an all-you-can-eat buffet, 24 hours a day,” says Chang, referring to Sikdorak’s never-ending supply of brisket, rib-eye, short rib, pork belly, seasoned beef, barbecue chicken, spicy pork, tripe and beef tongue.

Priced at just $19.95 per person (minimum two people), the meal also comes with “lots of lettuce, peppers, garlic, kim chee and four kinds of side dishes that are different every day,” Chang adds.

As if the promise of comforting “Seoul” food at all hours of the day isn’t enough, Sikdorak also invites customers to bring their own beer or wine to accompany their meal selection.

Sikdorak Korean Restaurant

  • Where
    • 655 Keeaumoku Street #108
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 949-2890
  • Hours
    • Open 24 hours

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