Savor the Flavors of the Kebab

Columns Ethnic Faves

August 13, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

The Monsoon Kebab dish at Monsoon India goes well beyond your typical meat on a stick experience. There are many subtle specialities that give the Monsoon Kebab ($19.95) its appealing flavor. The dish combines a host of assorted delicacies including chicken tikka, lamb boti and jumbo shrimp. The marinade and preparation of the kebabs that chef Sugam Kuinkel creates includes a balanced barrage of spices, as well as a distinct patience in the way the lamb, poultry and shrimp are cooked.

  • Monsoon Kebab ($19.95)
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“Everything is marinated for 24 hours in a yogurt base with nine different spices including cumin powder, paprika, bay leaf and cinnamon powder,” says Kuinkel, who was a cook in Dubai and Nepal for five years before moving to Hawaii.

“Many other restaurants only use a few spices, but we like to use a whole variety of spices that are imported from India. We use a Northern Indian way of cooking. It is healthier and lighter.”

After marinating, the meat is cooked in a clay tandoor oven at a 400 degree heat.

“The flavor, the aroma comes from the clay oven, giving the dish its special, smokey flavor,” Kuinkel adds.

Served on a bed of sauteed green peppers and onions, the dish is drizzled with lemon, and touched with a dash of salt and pepper. Recently Monsoon India has begun serving the dish on a sizzling skillet, helping to keep the flavors warm throughout your meal. Served with mint and tamarind chutney, Monsoon Kebabs make a healthy meal of spice and savor.

Monsoon India

  • Where
    • Discovery Bay Center
    • 1778 Ala Moana Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 941-5111
  • Hours
    • Lunch daily 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    • Dinner daily 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Sunday Brunch Buffet 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

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