
Columns What We're Eating At

August 13, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Hanaki has always provided its customers with plenty of tasty options. And since the venue remodeled its buffet into shabu shabu, this has not changed.

  • (Clockwise, from left) Pal Eldredge, Waileia Eldredge and Ezra Mineshima enjoy a meal at Hanaki.
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You can choose among different soup flavors including Konbu, which is a shoyu udon soup, and Hanaki, which has hints of onion. There also are Miso, Curry, Spicy, Sukiyaki and Healthy Herb, which is flavored with goji, dates and ginseng. Each of the soups cost $5 and includes a selection of sauces and shave ice. From there, you can select various meats, seafood and vegetables to go with your soup.

Hanaki offers beef, pork, fish, lobster, squid, tofu, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms and more. Prices for these items range from $2.50 to $4.50. Rice, hot tea and desserts are available for $1.50.

And if you don’t feel like being your own chef for the evening, don’t worry. Hanaki also has an impressive selection of Udon and Ramen such as NabeYaki ($12.95), which has shrimp tempura, chicken, egg and vegetables, and Chicken Kara Age ($11.95). Donburi Bowls include Chicken, Beef, and Shrimp Tempura Donburi, all for $11.95 each. The menu also includes Combination Plates that offer dishes such as Misoyaki Butterfish, Shoyu Tofu, Deep Fried Oysters and Homemade Gyoza. Get two dishes for $9.95 and three for $12.95. All are served with rice and miso soup. Please note that all prices are subject to change.

Waileia Eldredge, a Hanaki regular, recently brought Ezra Mineshima and Pal Eldredge with her to share in one of her most frequented eateries.

Waileia: “I ordered the Miso. I love it; it’s just so good. I probably come in here once a week. We live in Manoa, so it’s convenient, and you have a lot of choices.”

Ezra: “I ordered the Spicy Beef. And then added meat and vegetables. You can grab whatever you want. I came here for the first time last week, and this is my third time already.”

Hanaki Restaurant

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2756 Woodlawn Drive
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-1551
  • Hours
    • 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
    • Wednesday – Monday
    • Closed on Tuesdays

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