Stage Ready to Offer Memorable Dining Experience

Columns Pupu Picks

July 23, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Some restaurants incorporate art in their design schemes with the goal of complementing their food offerings. However, at Stage Restaurant, located on the second floor of Honolulu Design Center at 1250 Kapiolani Blvd., the cuisine represents masterful works of art prepared by executive chef Ron de Guzman and his skilled staff.

  • Pan steamed Manila clams ($13)
  • Crisp lump crab cakes ($14)
  • Graham cracker-crusted calamari ($13)
  • Stage Ahi "Poke" ($13)
  • Executive Chef Ron de Guzman holds the Graham-cracker Crusted Calamari
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The food’s presentation fits the restaurant’s theme, and each finely crafted plate serves as a piece of art within a gallery of unique furniture and design elements. When placed before guests, the dishes make even a $20,000 Fendi dining table and chair set fade into the background.

Appropriately, pupu items at Stage are presented on the menu as the opening act of a performance under the heading “Act One: Overture de Appetizers.” The Graham Cracker Crusted Calamari ($13) steals the show as the curtain rises on Stage’s unique seafood starter. The calamari is tossed in finely ground graham cracker crumbs before being fried and served with an accompaniment of dipping sauces: yuzu-chili aioli, wasabi cocktail sauce and sriracha. The item is “back by popular demand,” says de Guzman of the dish that is available as a special item, but will soon be gracing the permanent menu.

Sticking with Stage’s seafood selections, the Stage Ahi Poke ($13), Pan Seared Manila Clams ($13) and Crisp Lump Crab Cakes ($14) each offer an eclectic mix of taste and extraordinary color. The poke invites diners with a clever concoction that incorporates avocado, marcona almonds, orange tobiko, Spanish onions, yuzu-olive oil and wasabi.

“We keep the food fun and different, but we’re not way out there,” explains de Guzman. “We have a footing on our culinary background.”

Also, while enjoying the plentiful pupu offerings, tap into one of Stage’s new self-serve draft beer server tables. Each table has builtin beer taps that are controlled via WiFi Internet, allowing one to order by the glass, or rent the table for a party or special event.

Check out StageRestaurantHawaii.com for a list of special events and to view the complete menu.

Stage Restaurant

  • Where
    • 1250 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 237-5429
  • Hours
    • Monday – Friday
    • 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
    • Monday – Saturday (Dinner)
    • 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • Website
  • Notes
    • Take advantage of Happy Hour, Monday through Friday from 5 to 7 p.m., and enjoy draft beers, signature cocktails and special appetizers for $5 apiece. Also, enjoy 50 percent off the entire wine bottle list each Tuesday while dining at Stage.

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