A Thai Twist on Shabu Shabu

Columns Pupu Picks

July 30, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

In the mood for some Thai-riffic cuisine? Shabu Shabu Bangkok on Kapahulu Avenue offers a warm, inviting atmosphere and allows diners to prepare food to their liking in the “hot pots” available on dining tables.

  • Stuffed Bangkok Wings ($7.95), Thai Beef Salad ($9.95) and Crispy Shrimp Wraps ($7.95)
  • Teresa Youn with the Thai Beef Salad
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The eatery draws its name from the shabu shabu style of cooking, which in Japanese, translates to mean “swish, swish,” as in the sound food makes when one dips and cooks various meats and vegetables in the flavorful broth and sauce combinations. The Thai version of the cooking style is referred to as Suki-Yaki, and customers can select multiple “sets” of food combinations and spices — the ultimate made-to-order meal option.

Shabu Shabu Bangkok also offers an a la carte menu from which diners can order meals from the kitchen, including their popular pupu offerings. One of the eatery’s top sellers is the Stuffed Bangkok Wings ($7.95) that offer up a unique take on the popular finger food. The de-boned chicken wings are filled with mushrooms, chicken, carrots, long rice and spices and after receiving a coating of rice flour, are fried to crispy perfection and served with a peanut-infused dipping sauce.

The Crispy Shrimp Wraps ($7.95) offer large, juicy pieces of shrimp encased in fried pastry shells with water chestnuts and spices, and come with fresh cucumber slices and a vinaigrette dipping sauce. Customers also rave about the Thai Beef Salad ($9.95) that features a hearty serving of thinly sliced beef atop a base of salad that includes mint, onion, Chinese parsley, lime and roasted chili all tossed together.

Get down to Shabu Shabu Bangkok, and get cooking!

Shabu Shabu Bangkok

  • Where
    • 949 Kapahulu Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 732-7666
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Notes
    • Limited free parking available in lot behind restaurant on Kaimuki Avenue. Double-parking is allowed; just alert the front desk upon seating. Metered street parking also available.

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