Buffet Options for Meat Lovers

Digest On the Menu

June 11, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

If you’re craving Korean food at any hour of the day or night, Sikdorak will hit the spot. Sikdorak dishes out favorites like beef soup, cold noodles, and daikon kim chee around the clock.

  • Three seasoned short ribs (part of the all-you-can-eat buffet $19.95)
  • Beef tongue
  • Rib eye
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Opened in 2010, Sikdorak has already found its niche with the community — the $19.95 all-you-can-eat buffet, which manager Charles Chang Jr. says draws in a majority of the patrons. The Keeaumoku venue also boasts a wide selection of meat, including fried tongue, barbecue chicken, short ribs, rib eye, brisket, tripe and spicy pork.

Whatever you’re in the mood for, “this is the place to be,” says Chang. “It’s more of a family atmosphere, but people also come for drinks and parties.”

Sikdorak Korean Restaurant

  • Where
    • 655 Keeaumoku Street #108
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 949-2890
  • Hours
    • Open 24 hours

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