A Three-Course Menu That Rises to the Occasion

Digest Foodie Fare

June 11, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

During the constant rush of the week, sometimes dinner gets put on the backburner of things to do, leaving most folks scrambling when hungry cries of “What’s to eat?” fill the kitchen air.

  • Asian-style Braised Soulder of Beef (part of the special menu, $29)
  • Chef de Cuisine Lydell Leong holding ahi katsu with soy wasabi butter sauce ($14).
  • Old fashioned chocolate cake (part of the special menu, $29)
  • Smoked Chicken and Spinach Ravioli with Yuzu butter sauce (part of the special menu, $29)
  • Asian-style Braised Shoulder of Beef (part of the special menu, $29)
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To the rescue is 3660 on the Rise. Since April, the award-winning restaurant has been offering a three-course menu of monthly specials to alleviate the stress of last-minute dinner preparation.

“We decided to start these specials to give our customers a great excuse to eat out on the weekdays,” says banquet catering manager Cheryl Leong. “They have been well-received from the beginning.”

According to Leong, Chef Lydell Leong invents the menus based on guests’ requests, crafting new dishes each month for foodies looking for a tasty and affordable dinner out during the week.

For the month of June, the three-course menu includes House-Smoked Chicken and Fresh Spinach Ravioli topped with a Yuzu Butter Sauce; Slow-Braised Beef infused with a refreshing mix of star anise, orange, ginger and shiitake mushroom and served with natural gravy; and for dessert, a rich Old-Fashioned Layered Chocolate Cake.

“Sometimes if there are seasonal ingredients that Chef knows are available, he’ll incorporate them into the menu,” Leong adds.

The three-course meal costs $29, plus tax and gratuity, and is available each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday through the end of the month.

On the Side

Since opening at the corner of Waialae Avenue and Wilhelmina Rise in 1992, 3660 on the Rise has grown into a favorite neighborhood establishment, thanks in part to its menu of Euro-Island cuisine that is as diverse as the Islands themselves.

“The menu appeals to the local tastes, and many of our customers are familiar faces who return time and again,” says banquet catering manager Cheryl Leong.

The Waialae eatery is also popular among the famous set, who seek out the restaurant for its relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

“Celebrities who have dined here in the past have been able to maintain a low-key profile,” Leong notes.

“Its casual atmosphere makes it a comfortable place to drop by and have drinks and pupus, or for the family to celebrate a special occasion,” she adds.

For those special get-togethers, 3660 on the Rise also offers four banquet rooms that can comfortably accommodate up to 200 guests. Lunch and dinner buffets or set menus are available, with offerings that include Pan-Seared Scallops, Grilled Tenderloin of Beef, Soy Sake-Glazed Butterfish, Lacquered Fillet of Wild Salmon, Shichimi-Seared Breast of Chicken, as well as an array of salad and dessert choices.

“We have a dedicated banquet chef who prepares the same quality of food as the main dining room,” promises Leong.

Private dining rooms are reserved based on a guaranteed number of party members and require a non-refundable deposit to confirm reservations. Email banquets@3660.com for full requirements and details.

3660 On the Rise

  • Where
    • 3660 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 737-1177
  • Hours
    • 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Sunday
  • Website
  • Notes
    • Complementary validated parking available, with additional parking on Waialae Avenue or in the public lot on Wilhelmina Rise.

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