Shakey’s Pizza

Columns What We're Eating At

June 25, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

There’s always fun to be had at Shakey’s Pizza. Between the Monday-Friday Happy Hour from 3-6 p.m., the five flat-screen TVs in the dining room and a game room stocked with video and arcade games, you could find something to do at Shakey’s every day of the week.

  • Britt Takashima and Wiljohn Ho sample favorites from Shakey's Pizza.
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And that’s not even to mention the food. Shakey’s pizzas are piled high with tasty toppings like the Big Island BBQ pizza that comes with ham, jalapeno, sausage, sweet pineapple and bacon (small $10.49; medium $17.49; large $22.99). And then there’s the Rustic Chicken pizza with Alfredo sauce, mushrooms and fresh cilantro (small $10.49; medium $17.49; large $22.99). Or try the make your own pizza option (small $7.99; medium $14.99; large $19.99; plus extra for additional toppings). And for a side dish, indulge in the spicy chicken wings (eight pieces for $10.99) or the boneless chicken strips (10 pieces for $12.99).

For Wiljohn C. Ho of Waipahu and Britt Takashima of Pearl City, it was the Shakey’s Special (medium for $17.49) and the salad bar that drew them in.

Britt Takashima: “The salad bar is great; It’s a big plate and you can just pile whatever you want on there. The Shakey’s special has pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms and black olives.”

Wiljohn C. Ho: “It’s a chill atmosphere, real relaxed. Everyone is friendly. I would take advantage of the lunch special; the buffet sounds like a good deal.”

Shakey’s Pizza Parlor

  • Where
    • Waipahu Town Center
    • 94-060 Farrington Highway
    • Waipahu, HI 96797
  • Call
    • (808) 677-1919
  • Hours
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 11 p.m. – 11 p.m.
    • Friday – Saturday
  • Notes
    • Ample free parking available.
  • Website

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