A Bit of Pho for the Senses

Columns Ethnic Faves

June 11, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Pho can best be described as a comfort food. Served for breakfast, lunch or dinner, pho dishes have an inviting allure to them as the flavors of each ingredient merge together, rising from each steaming bowl.

  • Pho with Shrimp & Squid (regular $7.95, large $8.95)
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Pho is essentially Vietnamese, but the cultural influence France had on Vietnam also is a factor in the development of this noodle soup. Food historians have theorized that pho is an evolution of the French phrase pot au feu, which translates delicately to “pot on the fire.”

At the restaurant’s Aiea location inside Westridge Shopping Center, the majority of pho dishes consist of simmering beef in hot broth, but for seafood lovers, the Pho with Shrimp and Squid is a tempting alternative.

“This a very healthy meal that has been on our menu from the beginning,” says owner Tommy Dang.

Pho with Shrimp and Squid — priced at $7.95 for a regular bowl, $8.95 for a large bowl — starts with warm broth served with fresh herbs, mint leaves, cut chives, cilantro, bean sprouts, chili peppers, wedges of lemon, aromatic spices and various sauces. Filling the bowl are flat noodles and generous portions of shrimp and squid that will have you slurping up a storm.

Pho My Lien Vietnamese Restaurant

  • Where
    • Westridge Shopping Center
    • 98-150 Kaonohi Street Suite B213-B
    • Aiea, HI 96701
  • Call
    • (808) 488-4900
  • Hours
    • 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Monday – Saturday
    • 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    • Sundays

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