Start Your Day Off in an Egg-cellent Way

Digest Lite Bites

May 28, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Breakfast lovers rejoice in the decadent spread of delicious creations found at Eggs ‘n Things in Waikiki. Located on Saratoga Road, this popular eatery is frequented by locals and tourists alike, who are tempted by various selections of pancakes, omelets, crepes and more.

  • General manager Michael Skedeleski relishes the Spinach, Bacon & Cheese Omelet ($10.95).
  • Fresh Ahi Steak And Eggs (Market Price)
  • Whip Pancake Sampler ($11.25)
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“Our philosophy here is to serve quality food in the spirit of aloha,” says Eggs ‘n Things general manager Michael Skedeleski. “We offer fresh and local products on a daily basis, as we serve more than 1,000 people per day.”

Eggs ‘n Things’ award-winning Fresh Ahi Steak & Eggs (market price) tops the bunch and has proven to be a favorite among locals.

“You can request to have your ahi Cajun-style, sauteed or with furikake and macadamia nut breading,” Skedeleski states. “We lightly bread the fresh ahi and then sear it to the customer’s liking.”

This exquisite dish is paired with buttermilk pancakes, rice or potatoes, and two fresh eggs cooked to your liking. Patrons also can upgrade pancakes to one of the eatery’s special pancakes for an additional price.

However, if pancakes are what you’re after, you can’t pass up the Whip Pancake Sampler ($11.25).

This superb dessert option features three of the restaurant’s most popular pancakes — strawberry, banana and blueberry topped with a mountain of whipped cream.

And if you’re craving an omelet, Skedeleski says, the Spinach, Bacon & Cheese Omelet ($10.95) is the way to go. Made with three fresh eggs, the omelet features fresh spinach, bacon (or turkey bacon) and your choice of cheese, whether it be Cheddar, mozzarella or pepper jack. The meal also is served with pancakes, rice or potatoes. Come hungry and start your day off a little brighter at Eggs ‘n Things!

Eggs ‘n Things

  • Where
    • 343 Saratoga Road
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 923-3447
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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