
Columns What We're Eating At

May 14, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Enter the world of upscale, kaiten-style dining at SushiSan, located on Kapiolani Boulevard adjacent to Bank of Hawaii’s Ala Moana branch.

  • Kamomi (left) and Zelda Kanoa enjoy a meal at one of their favorite spots, SushiSan.
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Owner Jay Kim opened this sushi lover’s haven in March, offering diners freshly made sushi, udon, donburi and more — all within a chic and modern atmosphere. Customers can select their dish of choice off the conveyor belts, which move in opposite directions for better selection, or they may order off the menu as well.

Dining Out recently stopped by this new establishment, where the mother-daughter duo of Zelda and Kamomi Kanoa were more than eager to tell us exactly what tickled their taste buds at SushiSan.

Zelda Kanoa: “I really like the Mini Donburis, so I had the Unagi (cold) Donburi ($5.80) and the Combination (Hot) Donburi ($5.80). They’re both very, very good. We’ve been here a few times now and we live all the way in Laie, but we come here just for the sushi and the hot bowls.

Kamomi Kanoa: “I had a lot of sushi — all tuna — like the Spicy Tuna Gunkan ($2.20) and the Spicy Tuna Mini Donburi ($5.80). The food’s really good.”


  • Where
    • 1409 Kapiolani Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 944-0670
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Website

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