Larry’s Bakery

Columns What We're Eating At

May 8, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Sugar and spice, and everything nice is easy to come by at Larry’s Bakery on Lawehana Street in Salt Lake. Known for its delicious baked goods and pastries, including cakes, cupcakes, cinnamon bread and cookies, Larry’s Bakery provides loyal patrons with nothing but the finest in treats.

  • Customer Mie Shoji with Lance Yafuso, president of Larry's Bakery.
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Iris Yafuso serves as vice president of this family-run business and treats every customer like family, welcoming them with a warm smile and a cheerful hello.

Dining Out recently paid a visit to Larry’s Bakery, where we met customer Mie Shoji, who was lured in by the tempting aromas of freshly baked breads and cinnamon rolls.

Mie Shoji: “I’m picking up something for my office friends and decided on the White Chantilly Cake ($7.25). I usually purchase their products wholesale, but it’s nice that they have a location here as well. They have really ono pastries, and I always purchase things from them during the holidays.”

Larry’s Bakery

  • Where
    • 4369 Lawehana Street #3
    • Honolulu, HI 96818
  • Call
    • (808) 422-0059
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    • Monday – Friday

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