Ichiban Still Rolling Along

Digest On the Menu

April 17, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Sushi Ichiban has been turning heads and welcoming appetites since it opened its doors last June on Waialae Avenue.

  • Chef's Choice Sashimi Plate ($35) features more than 20 pieces of seaworthy delights, including maguro, salmon and shiromi.
  • Chef's Special Maguro Tempura ($14.95)
  • Sushi chef Marc Kusaka puts the finishing touches on a Chef's Sashimi Plate.
  • Oxtail Ramen ($12.95) can be served with noodles or rice.
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As one of Hawaii’s premier restaurants and sushi bars open for lunch and dinner, Sushi Ichiban presents diners with tantalizingly fresh Japanese cuisine at an affordable price.

You name it, Sushi Ichiban has got it — from sushi to teishoku combos, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi and more.

Sushi chef Marc Kusaka recently joined the team, having previously worked as a sushi chef for Morimoto Waikiki.

“I like being able to be creative and wow people with my creations,” Kusaka says. “I’ve been making sushi for more than seven years, and presentation is very important to me. You only get one chance to make a first impression.”

Kusaka has been impressing sushi connoisseurs with a few favorites, including the Chef’s Choice Sashimi Plate and the Chef’s Special Maguro Tempura. The restaurant also serves up a slew of local specialties, including Oxtail Soup with Ramen or Rice.

The No. 1 and Only

Here are three delicious reasons why Sushi Ichiban continues to live up to its name as a premier sushi restaurant in Hawaii:

1. Chef’s Choice Sashimi Plate ($35)

This special plate features more than 20 different pieces of sashimi, with the selection of fish changing daily, ranging from maguro, to salmon, shiromi, aji and more.

2. Chef’s Special Maguro Tempura — Teishoku ($8.95 lunch, $14.95 dinner)

According to Kusaka, the maguro tempura is made up of tuna and is very meaty. “It’s served daily depending on availability,” he says, adding that the teishoku plate is served with miso soup, rice, salad with house dressing, choice of sashimi or California roll, tsukemono and ice cream (dinner only).

3. Oxtail Soup with Ramen or Rice ($12.95)

Featuring tender oxtail, mushroom and mixed vegetables of cabbage, green onion and Chinese parsley soaked in a flavorful broth. Served with a ginger sauce on the side.

Sushi Ichiban

  • Where
    • 3579 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 737-8820
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

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