Wahoo’s Fish Taco

Columns What We're Eating At

March 6, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Many are shouting praises for Wahoo’s Fish Taco, a California-based chain that first opened its doors at Ward Gateway Center and more recently at Kahala Corner.

  • Kelly Stern is a loyal customer of Wahoo's Fish Taco and can't wait to dig in to the Garden Salad ($4.49) with fish (add $1.50) and shrimp (add $2.50).
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Sisters and co-owners Stephanie Gambetta and Noel Pietsch, who oversee both locations, make it a point to serve diners only the best in “California-Mex” cuisine.

Dining Out recently paid a visit to the Kahala location to see what was making a splash in the stomachs of hungry diners. There, we bumped into loyal customer Kelly Stern, who revealed exactly what it is about Wahoo’s Fish Taco that has her coming back for more.

Kelly Stern: “I ordered the Garden Salad ($4.49) with fish (add $1.50) and shrimp (add $2.50), then topped it with salsa. It’s super fresh and the grilled fish is so onolicious.

The prices here are really reasonable. I come here every single day for lunch, Monday through Friday, just about, and sometimes I come here after work. When I come here after work, I like to bring friends. My friends absolutely love the burritos — and we like to enjoy the drinks. The margaritas are really good!

“I love the atmosphere here, I like the surf videos that they usually play on the TVs, and I really like the ambiance and the music. The people who work here are absolutely great, they’re always accommodating, always helpful and they even make my salsa spicy. It’s awesome!

I like to support local businesses and eat fresh food, so Wahoo’s is really great.”

Wahoo’s Fish Taco

  • Where
    • Ward Gateway Center
    • 940 Auahi Street #140
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
    • Kahala Korner
    • 4614 Kilauea Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96821
  • Call
    • (808) 591-1646 (Ward)
    • (808) 732-9229 (Kahala)
  • Notes
    • Happy Hour specials available daily in addition to Taco Tuesday deals.

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