Green with Envy at Max’s

Veg'n Out

March 27, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s springtime — love is in the air, everything is clean and green, and there’s a bounty of fresh, nutritious vegetables readily available. To me, nothing says spring like fresh asparagus, and each year I have my own little love affair with the delicious, nutritious spears. They’re great in a stir-fry, simply steamed or even grilled. And in the hands of a good cook, a dish in which asparagus is the star can be a veggie lover’s dream come true.

  • Asparagus and Tofu ($8.95)
  • Waitress Criz Corpus holds the vegetarian dish that includes mushrooms sauteed in garlic and onions for that unbeatable Asian taste.
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Famed for its super-popular fried chicken and, of course, traditional Filipino dishes such as pancit, lumpia and adobo, if you choose not to eat meat, you may not think of Max’s of Manila as the place to pursue your passion for asparagus. But think again, because you don’t have to be a carnivore to find something to love on Max’s extensive menu. In fact, if you don’t want meat in your dish, all you have to do is say so.

“Our noodle dishes, our pancit, are all made to order,” says Max’s of Hawaii vice president Maly San Luis. “If you don’t eat meat, just ask them to leave it out.”

But back to our love affair — when they see you devouring this dish, it could turn all those meat eaters green with envy.

Asparagus and Tofu ($8.95) features fresh asparagus and tofu sauteed with black mushrooms in oyster sauce. And even better, there’s enough for two — an affordable way for you and that special someone to share a healthy and satisfying dish.

Or you could just savor it all by yourself — after all, who wants to share the object of your affection with someone else?

Max’s of Manila

  • Where
    • 801 Dillingham Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
    • 94-300 Farrington Highway Suite F-1
    • Waipahu, HI 96797
  • Call
    • (808) 951-6297

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