The Mezze Platter’s a Reason to Go Greek

Columns Ethnic Faves

March 6, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Maybe customary, maybe coincidental, but like many Greek families, The Fat Greek’s new Mezze Platter is nothing short of boisterous and flavorful. Indeed, the Mezze Platter can be both a warming sight and intimidating at the same time.

  • The Mezze Platter ($52)
  • Daniel Provenza, who oversees The Fat Greek's kiosk at Ala Moana Center.
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One of the specialties that brings this plethora of food together is the feta cheese. The salad, which is decorated with soft feta cheese, crumbles very easily and blends nicely with the fresh greens and vegetables. Additionally, the hard feta combines nicely with the large assortment of pita bread.

This touch of cheese may be owner Francois Provenza’s subtle French influence manifesting itself in the dish. “I am French, and in France you do not eat dinner without cheese on the table,” Provenza explains. “So that is part of why I included it.”

And that is only the beginning, as the Mezze platter includes four lamb chops, eight garlic shrimp, hummus, papa wedge fries, fava beans, babaganoush, calamari, merguez sausage, kalamata olives and dolmades, which is rice wrapped in fresh grape leaves.

“It is a lot of food, but it is really healthy because we only use olive oil and lemon juice in our marinades. We do not use any perservatives,” says chef Daryl Ghan-Pung Oppenheimer.

The mezze platter also is served with two soft drinks and a slice of bakalava to top off this Mediterranean dish.

“To be honest, I like everything on the plate. I just put this on the menu last week and those who have had it are very complimentary,” says Provenza, who has plans to open new locations in Mililani and Kona. “It is simple, but it is very good.”

The Mezze Platter is $52, and is served at both the Waialae and new Waikiki locations.

The Fat Greek

  • Where
    • Kaimuki
    • 3040 Waialae Avenue #A3
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
    • Waikiki
    • 1831 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 201
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 734-0404 (Kaimuki)
    • (808) 941-3444 (Waikiki)
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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