La Palme D’or Patisserie

Columns What We're Eating At

March 27, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

Located at Ala Moana Center, La Palme D’or Patisserie masterfully blends French flavor and Japanese craftsmanship in creating delightful cakes, pastries, drinks and more. Head chef Akiko Kimura utilizes only the best ingredients, obtained directly from Japan, to create fresh pastries and desserts on a daily basis.

  • Siblings Lauren and Haley Nagao had a memorable first experience at La Palme D'or Patisserie.
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Dining Out recently paid a visit to the patisserie and bumped into sisters Lauren and Haley Nagao. As first-timers to the establishment, they were excited to not only give the menu a try, but also share why the patisserie has so much more to offer than just sweets alone.

Lauren Nagao:

“It’s our first time here. My mom said that she heard about the Plantation Tea Jelly drink, so we wanted to try it. The food here is really pretty. We ordered the House Made Croissant Sandwiches.”

Haley Nagao:

“We ordered a BLT ($4.14) and a Tuna Sandwich ($4.14), as well as the Plantation Tea Jelly Drink ($3.50). The Plantation drink is a textured drink made with 100 percent pineapple juice jelly with sweetened black tea.”

La Palme D’or Patisserie

  • Where
    • Ala Moana Center
    • 1450 Ala Moana Boulevard
    • Honolulu, HI 96814
  • Call
    • (808) 941-6161

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