Kit n Kitchen

Columns What We're Eating At

January 9, 2011

Story By: Dining Out Team |

East meets West at Kit n Kitchen, where Eurasian specialties have been hitting palates since 2001.

Dining Out decided to pay a visit to the University Avenue restaurant recently to see what had diners raving. We stumbled upon the father-daughter duo of Eric and Kelsy Padilla, 10, who were enjoying lunch at Kit n Kitchen for the very first time.

  • Eric Padilla and his daughter, Kelsy, enjoyed their first experience at Kit n Kitchen recently.
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Eric Padilla:

“I ordered the Sloppy Eggplant with Spaghetti ($10.95) and it definitely has a homemade flavor to it. It was like something your grandma or mom would make. The eggplant was very good and I’m a big fan of eggplant. This is something different for me and it was well-prepared and the service was very quick and efficient. “We also ordered the Garlic Pillow Toast ($2.95), and that was great. I’ve never seen it prepared in that fashion. It was brilliant.”

Kelsy Padilla:

“I got the Grilled Pork Chop Chimichurri with rice ($13.95) and it was great! It’s a lot of food. I think I can finish half of it and then I’m going to take the rest home as leftovers. I really like Italian food.”

Kit n Kitchen

  • Where
    • 1010 University Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96826
  • Call
    • (808) 942-7622

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