April 10, 2016
Mac 24/7 Bar & Restaurant, Zia's Caffe
Sometimes it’s easy to take the simplest foodie pleasures for granted — things like bread, for example. It’s one of the most basic staples of our diets, yet it often gets pushed into the shadows of the ingredients it supplements.…
April 3, 2016
Odori-Ko, Restaurant Epic
Happy Sunday, Ono readers! It’s been too long since we’ve indulged in our dessert cravings and gotten our forks into some chocolate-covered, sugar-coated fun! What I ‘ve been really wanting to sing praises to lately is the most sinfully delicious…
March 29, 2016
Ahi & Vegetable, Shiro's Saimin Haven
When it comes to kimchee, dining in Hawaii simply would not be the same without it. Extending far beyond just a banchan (side dish) found in our favorite Korean restaurants, this coveted fermented food has become a staple here that…
March 21, 2016
Big City Diner, Hoku's
We know it best as one of our favorite deep-fried appetizers that makes an appearance on practically every restaurant’s menu, and it’s been heralded by Mediterranean and Asian cultures for ages — yes, I’m talking about squid, one of the…
March 14, 2016
JJ's Bistro & French Pastry, Little Village Noodle House
Sometimes it stems out of procrastination, other times it comes on from sheer hunger, but we can all relate to that moment in the day — oftentimes a wonderful escape — when we stop what we’re doing and start daydreaming…
March 7, 2016
3660 On the Rise, Max's of Manila
As you’ve surely noticed over the past few years in the foodie world, pork belly is hot, hot, hot — and still sizzling! Even our most beloved thin slices of this cut of the hog, aka bacon, have taken a…
February 29, 2016
Ahi & Vegetable, Japanese BBQ Yoshi
When going out to eat, regardless of the type of cuisine we are craving, there is one ingredient we all seek: quality. But as many of us know, seeing through clever marketing tricks and behind-the-scenes shortcuts some restaurants employ can…
February 23, 2016
Fendu Boulangerie, New Eagle Cafe
This month, many food enthusiasts will be taking a slice out of one of the country’s oldest culinary traditions in celebration of Great American Pie Month. The decision for Ono, You Know to get in on the action was easy…
February 15, 2016
Hawaii Pot Shabu Shabu House, Kogi Aina
Happy Valentine’s Day, Ono readers! I believe every single day is worthy of celebrating the love we hold for our significant others, family members and friends, but since this particular date is the official Day of Love, I’m going to…
February 8, 2016
Fairwood Drive Inn and Pho 27 Cafe, Restaurant Epic
A friend of mine recently recommended drinking some honey in hot water to soothe my irritated throat from all the vog we’ve experienced lately (it does help!) and it got me thinking about what an amazing natural substance honey really…