Savor refreshing, local catches

A La Carte

January 21, 2018

Story By: Elima Pangorang | Photos by: A. CONSILLIO

Dining at Uncle’s is all about indulging in fresh seafood, starting with an Ahi Poke Trio ($22). L. TABUDLO PHOTO

Fishing is known as a staple part of the culture here in Hawaii, and it’s practiced for leisure as well as sustenance. It’s not uncommon to come across pictures of fishermen (and women) holding up their record-breaking catches, and even smaller snags.

The team at Uncle’s Fish Market & Grill wholly supports the joy of fishing, whether it is found in working off a fishing boat for months at a time, or simply shore-fishing.

Sushi Bowl ($25)

Restaurant founder Bruce Johnson has built Uncle’s as a tribute to the hardworking and honorable devotees of the sport (including his fishing “uncles”), and, in turn, lucky customers are able to enjoy the luxury of consuming some of the freshest seafood cuisine on the Islands.

Ahi Poke Trio ($22), for example, presents three gleaming mounds of right-off-the-boat, locally caught ahi. The fish, which is purchased from Honolulu Fish Auction, located just steps away from Uncle’s, is prepared three ways, including kukui nut pesto topped with ogo; plain ahi cubes with green onion; and fried onions atop spicy ahi.

Chef’s Choice Oysters ($18)

For something a little more filling, the establishment’s Sushi Bowl ($25) is a favorite choice among customers. It’s no wonder why, as the bowl comes with four different takes on seafood. Fresh sashimi , including slices of ahi, hamachi and salmon, rest alongside a generous scoop of spicy ahi poke, ikura and crisp cuts of fried calamari — all perched on a bed of white rice.

Shellfish-lovers rejoice with a prime selection of Chef’s Choice Oysters ($18). Half a dozen oysters on ice are the perfect sharable appetizer, or even as a small post-meal snack to wind down the night while sipping on your favorite beverage.

From the decadent meals and the people that make it possible to the breathtaking views of the Pacific just out front, a meal at Uncle’s Fish Market & Grill is sure to satisfy every aspect of a truly refreshing meal.

Honolulu, HI 96817

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