A Family A’fare’

Digest Eat This

June 9, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

At Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant, it’s all about family. From offering traditional dim sum to serving a menu full of family-style entrees, the Lam ohana is always hard at work behind the scenes to ensure loads of tastiness goes into every dining experience at the Chinese eatery.

Owner Howard Lam has been hands-on since opening the restaurant in 2001, according to his son and manager, Gary Lam. “He personally goes in (the kitchen) and cooks,” says Gary.

After a decade of great service, you’ll still find the establishment dishing out its customer favorites such as Walnut Shrimp ($9.95), Orange Chicken ($7.95) and Clams with Black Bean Sauce ($9.50).

Another must-have is Chinese Chicken Salad with Jellyfish ($6.95), which uses seafood commonly found in Chinese cooking to dress up a classic salad. The jellyfish’s wonderfully mild flavor is a great base for marinades and savory seasonings including pepper and sesame oil.

With an undying work ethic that keeps Golden Palace’s doors open 365 days a year, the manager’s mom and brother also get right in the mix on a daily basis. “Especially for big parties, we all go in the kitchen and help out,” says Gary.

It’s no surprise that with such dedication, the restaurant has gained a loyal customer base over the years. Regulars come in every morning for their dim sum fix, and many families make the establishment part of their annual holiday celebrations. And just as Gary will be showing appreciation for his dad this Father’s Day, June 17 presents a golden opportunity to take the family out for some authentically delicious Chinese fare.

Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant

  • Where
    • 111 North King Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 521-8268
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

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