‘Shrooms in the Spotlight

Veg'n Out

May 5, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

If you’re a fan of the edible fungus — button, crimini, portabello, shiitake, oyster, porcini … some delicate, others quite meaty — you know that mushrooms lend themselves well to nearly any dish, adding an earthy flavor and unique texture.

Mushroom soup, mushroom risotto, stuffed mushrooms … they pair well with so many foods, it’s no surprise that, when it comes to vegetarian fare, ‘shrooms often take the spotlight.

At Kit n Kitchen, co-owner and chef May Yiu knows firsthand how popular mushrooms are with non-meat eaters, and she recommends Mixed Mushroom Spaghetti with oil and garlic ($10.95). Mmmm.

The dish is comprised of three varieties: familiar button, delicate enoki with their long, slender stem that pair nicely with strands of spaghetti, and savory shiitakes — all sauteed in a garlic and oil sauce and tossed with spaghetti.

“It’s a very, very popular dish,” says Yiu. It’s listed on the menu under “Create Your Own Spaghetti,” where customers can choose from six different sauces and dozens of delicious possible combinations of ingredients, as well as substitutions and add-ons such as cheese, broccoli, eggplant and more. Sick of spaghetti? Just substitute linguine, rigatoni, fettucini or angel hair (at a small additional cost). It’s pasta your way!

There’s always room for ‘shrooms — and so many ways to enjoy them at Kit n Kitchen.

Kit n Kitchen

  • Where
    • 1010 University Ave., B3
  • Call
    • (808) 942-7622
  • Hours
    • Monday – Friday
    • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday
    • 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 5 p.m. – Midnight (Dinner Daily)
  • Website

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