Kicking Up the Flavor With Kung Fu Soup Noodle

Digest Eat This

March 3, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

From saimin to ramen and countless variations between, Hawaii’s diners love a good noodle soup. Lucky for us, Kit ‘n Kitchen owners Kit and May Yiu recently added a slurping sensation to the Night Owl menu (available 9 p.m. to midnight).

  • Owner Kit Yiu
  • Kung Fu Soup Noodle ($8.95)
  • Kung Fu Soup Noodle ($8.95)
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The Euro-Asian cafe’s late-night eats include tasty grilled panini sandwiches, pizzas and even breakfast options, but it’s Kung Fu Soup Noodle that’s getting all the buzz.

Kit knew he had to bring the bowl of noodles to Hawaii after learning the nuances of the dish in Hong Kong, where it originated. “(Local customers) have never seen this combination of noodles in the Islands before,” he explains.

In addition to a flavorful broth, the reason Kung Fu Soup Noodle has been popular since the 1950s is because you can customize your meal. “You create your own. You can pick the soup, pick the noodles and two toppings for $8.95. And additional toppings are available for $1.95,” says Kit.

Patrons may choose from a Classic Shrimp soup base or a Szechuan Spicy one. Noodle choices include Cantonese Thin Noodle, Thick Noodle, Rice Vermicelli or Lo Mein. Inside, a satisfying combination of chicken wings, won ton and fish balls kick up the flavor.

Then, pile on any toppings you desire, from shabu shabu beef to enoki mushrooms.

The midnight snack already has a following after debuting at the University Avenue eatery a few months ago. It won’t be long before all of Honolulu’s night owls are slurping away.

Kit n Kitchen

  • Where
    • 1010 University Ave., B3
  • Call
    • (808) 942-7622
  • Hours
    • Breakfast served Thursday – Sunday
    • 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
    • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Lunch Daily)
    • 5 p.m. – Midnight (Dinner Daily)
  • Website

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