Can’t Get Enough of Kenny’s Specials

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March 31, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

It’s no secret that Kenny’s is everybody’s favorite local-style diner, serving up the best in American classics and local creations. You may not know, however, that popular demand inspired Kenny’s to take some of its most requested daily specials and make them available multiple days a week.

  • Prime Rib Au Jus ($16.99)
  • Kenny's Hawaiian Plate ($17.99)
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Prime Rib Au Jus ($16.99, regular cut; $20.99 Kenny’s cut), for example, is an unbeatable meal consisting of succulently juicy prime rib served au jus with a side of horseradish. The eatery’s newest sous chef, James Drewery, says the secret to the dish’s success is a slow cooking process that does justice to the premium cut of meat. The hefty slab is now available Friday through Sunday (while supplies last).

Drewery, who moved to the Islands from Virginia, perfected another daily special: Kenny’s Hawaiian Plate ($17.99). The comforting compilation includes lau lau, kalua pig, chicken long rice, sweet potato, lomi lomi salmon, haupia and rice or poi.

“I really enjoy this restaurant, and (staff members) teach me their way of cooking, which is phenomenal. Everyone has their specialty, everyone participates,” he says.

The chef’s new talents have caught on, as Kenny’s Hawaiian Plate is now served Thursday through Sunday. If you prefer smaller combinations, Lau Lau Plate ($14.99) and Kalua Pig Plate ($14.99), accompanied by all the same fixings, also are available.

Rest assured, you can spend the entire weekend feasting on Kenny’s unstoppable specials.

Kenny’s Restaurant

  • Where
    • Kamehameha Shopping Center
    • 1620 North School Street
    • Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Call
    • (808) 841-0931
  • Hours
    • 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Sunday – Thursday
    • 6 a.m. – 11 p.m.
    • Friday – Saturday

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