Baking Up a Storm at Fendu

Digest Lite Bites

March 31, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

I love bread and pastries, and have been told that Fendu Boulangerie has the best croissants on this Island. So, I finally made the visit to the European-style bakery in Manoa Marketplace, and concur — it’s just perfect and totally worth the drive from any part of the Island.

  • Garlic and Herb Chicken Tenderloin Pizza ($17.25 for 14-inch)
  • Lemon Meringue Pie ($5.25)
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But Fendu Boulangerie offers more than just tasty croissants. There’s a great assortment of breakfast pastries, breads, tea pastries, cookies, muffins, biscuits, a line of desserts, pizza, as well as panini and deli-style sandwiches.

Chocolate croissant is one of the most popular items, but you also have to try Lemon Meringue Pie ($5.25) featuring an almond sugar dough base, and a filling that is a cross between sabayon sauce and lemon curd. “We blend sabayon with it, so it gives it a nice texture,” explains chef/owner Niel Koep. “And we’re using Sicilian lemons.”

Chocolate lovers will want to try the signature Valrhona Bittersweet Chocolate Dome ($5.75) with Grand Marnier creme brulee in the middle, a layer of chocolate chunk and macadamia nut sponge cake on the bottom, and mousse made with Valrhona Chocolate on the outside. And starting today, Koep has added a new menu item — Garlic and Herb Chicken Tenderloin Pizza with Anaheim Chili Peppers ($17.25 for 14-inch, $10.50 for 8-inch).

A popular place in the morning for those on their way to work or school, Koep also plans to add some breakfast sandwiches to the menu within the next few months. And just in time for Easter, he’ll be making some bunny and egg-shaped treats.

“We do not add any chemicals, and no hydrogenated shortening,” adds Koep, who is from New Jersey and moved to Hawaii in 1990. “Everything is all natural. We use olive oil, vegetable oil or butter only.”

Fendu Boulangerie

  • Where
    • Manoa Marketplace
    • 2752 Woodlawn Drive #5119
    • Honolulu, HI 96822
  • Call
    • (808) 988-4310
  • Hours
    • 7:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Tuesday – Saturday
    • 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Sundays
    • Closed Mondays

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