Made to Order

Veg'n Out

March 24, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

JJ Praseuth Luangkhot, Chef JJ for short, is doing what he loves at JJ Bistro and French Pastry.

“I just enjoy cooking,” he says simply.

And it shows. His dishes are creative, reflect his Laotian roots with French flair, are appetizingly presented with attention to detail and — drum roll, please — can be modified to suit your tastes. Yes! That’s such good news for those who don’t eat meat or fish. And it makes sense to treat guests well so they’ll want to return again and again.

  • Wild Mushroom Ravioli ($11.95)
  • Southeast a la Maison Pasta ($9.95)
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For example, JJ Bistro and French Pastry’s menu lists a number of gourmet pasta dishes, and some have a veggie option next to their description, such as Southeast a la Maison (Veggie $9.95), with eggplant, bamboo shoots, red bell peppers and zucchini in a green curry sauce.

But the chef doesn’t stop there, so you don’t have to either.

“Every sauce can be made vegetarian,” Chef JJ says. “Most of our dishes are made to order.” And when he says made to order, he means just that, which certainly makes life easy for non-meat eaters. Even if the sauce has butter or cream, the chef assures Dining Out readers that all you have to do is ask when you place your order, and he’ll re-create the dish without them.

The chef recommends Wild Mushroom Ravioli with red bell pepper and zucchini and sauteed button mushrooms in butter sauce ($11.95). Don’t eat butter? Not a problem. Chef JJ will adjust the dish to please you, and judging from his talent when it comes to combining textures and flavors, it’s bound to be just as delicious as the original recipe.

Talk about the customer comes first!

The perfect plate to tickle your taste buds is waiting at JJ Bistro and French Pastry.

JJ’s Bistro & French Pastry

  • Where
    • 3447 Waialae Avenue
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
  • Call
    • (808) 739-0993
  • Hours
    • 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Monday – Thursday
    • 9 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
    • Friday – Saturday
    • 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Sundays
  • Website

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