Going Greek

Digest Eat This

January 21, 2012

Story By: Dining Out Team |

On Jan. 3, The Fat Greek Waikiki celebrated its one-year anniversary. In addition to many local clientele, the Ala Moana Boulevard eatery has become home to a following of tourists, including international regulars who revisit the hot spot during their yearly vacations.

“It’s great they remember us and want to eat here again. They tell us they’re glad we’re still here,” says manager George Stephanos.

  • Fish of the Day ($15.95)
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It’s fresh and flavorful Greek food that keeps diners coming back for more. Favorites like Fresh Fish of the Day ($15.95), served Saganaki style on a sizzling platter with tomato sauce, onions, peppers, basmati rice, house salad and pita bread quickly sell out. This dish features daily fresh catches such as opah, ahi and mahi mahi, and also comes Mediterranean style with a spicy salsa.

The Royal Platter (serves 2-4; $39.95) is great for sharing, and includes four lamb chops, eight pieces of garlic shrimp, Greek salad, Greek fries, hummus, pita bread, baklava and two sodas. Rib eyes cooked to order may be substituted for the lamb chops upon request.

The establishment’s Wednesday Special became so popular that it’s now a menu regular. Succulent Fat Greek Kabobs ($14.95) are skewers filled with grilled lamb or chicken and vegetables such as mushrooms and onions. With such savory meals, it’s no wonder The Fat Greek’s customer base keeps growing.

When enjoying your Greek feast, be sure to take advantage of validated parking available at the Waikiki Marina structure located alongside Red Lobster and Chart House restaurants on Hobron Lane.

The Fat Greek

  • Where
    • Kaimuki
    • 3040 Waialae Avenue #A3
    • Honolulu, HI 96816
    • Waikiki
    • 1831 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 201
    • Honolulu, HI 96815
  • Call
    • (808) 734-0404 (Kaimuki)
    • (808) 941-3444 (Waikiki)
  • Hours
    • Open daily
    • 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
    • Specials from 4 p.m.

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